The Latest…

We’re up and running in Greenville!

We are now holding services in our new building around the valley just a little past the county barns at 1192 North Valley Road. Sunday Service begins at 11:00 a.m. and Women’s Bible Study is every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. We also have Bible Study every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. In Bible Study we are currently teaching the Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. We are comparing and contrasting the three accounts along with unpacking the prophesies about the end times of the age. Once completed there, we will move on to a detailed study of the Book of Revelation. The Women’s Bible Study is currently deep in the Torah studying the book of Exodus. Come join us!

Crescent Mills Final Service

Our last service in the Crescent Mills building will be Sunday, February 23rd! Please join us for worship service and potluck lunch immediately following.

Our New Church Building

We will be using our new building beginning Sunday, March 2nd! This is at 1192 North Valley Road in Greenville.

We are pleased to announce that we have purchased a new building and property in Greenville to worship in! Since the tragedy of the Dixie Fire in 2021, IVCF has been fortunate to rent the Old School House in Crescent Mills in order to continue services. Since both our church building and parsonage were destroyed by fire, we were planning to build a new church from scratch on the Arlington Road property near Taylorsville that we purchased for the new parsonage. This has proved to be an agonizing process fraught with expense and delay due to county, state and legal hurdles. Because of these set backs, we decided to switch construction sites and build on our old Hot Springs Road property in Greenville. This location also had its drawbacks, including grade issues for the property, flood plane complications and lack of room for parking. And, that’s not even considering the massive expense of building in a remote mountain town with only two general contractors at hand that are backed up with work!

As God so often does, we were blessed at this point during our difficulties in buying an existing church building at 1192 North Valley Road in Greenville. We completed the purchase at the end of October and plan to begin services there after some remodeling, which includes windows and signage. Further, the competitive price of this building is allowing us to plan for an addition. By late Spring/Summer of this year we should be adding a fellowship hall, kitchen and classroom to the existing building! We’re excited and hopeful in view of God’s providence after some trying times.

Change of Leadership

After the disaster of the Dixie Fire, the inevitable result was a loss of many dear congregation members who, over the course of the last four years, moved to other places. In particular was the turn-over of two pastors and former elder John Evans who has moved to Oregon. Added to that, our worship leader, Mike Cadacamo relocated to Colorado. We’ve had difficult times in losing these people and their families from our local ranks. We wish them all the very best.

Pastor Mike Roush and his wife moved on to another ministry in Oregon and taking his place is Pastor Richard Baum, a former Greenville resident who graduated from Greenville High back in 1979. He is a retired Navy veteran of 22 years and he then worked as a defense contractor for the Navy’s Top Gun Fighter Weapons School. Dan Winningham is the remaining elder and, along with Pastor Rich, lead the congregation. Dan is retired and the former owner of Winningham Forest Management. Mark Mitchell and Theresa Winningham serve as Deacon and Deaconess respectively. IVCF has ended its relationship with Village Missions and is continuing as a completely non-denominational, non-affiliated church that follows our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We Glorify God Alone

As a non-affiliated, non-denominational Christian church, IVCF serves to glorify God Almighty alone. We do not answer to councils, conventions, CEO’s, board of directors, bishops placed above our elders, priests (other than our One High Priest Jesus), popes, or any other ecclesiastically constructed/fabricated authority figure. This does not mean that we are free from error or that all higher governing bodies are wrong. But, rather that it is our goal to minimize man’s traditions by clearing the path to the Almighty God from secular influence. All too often the local church is guided by the need for rapid superficial growth and tithing, for financial success and/or homage to a higher organization of men, rather than submitting to God’s will. As a clear example of this, look at how the Sanhedrin (Jewish governing council) operated in Jesus’ day. In the final analysis, we study the Scriptures and pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in them. Just as the Bible tells us in 1 John chapter 2 verse 27.

Our church is here primarily to edify and exhort the believer in Christ. In doing so we carry out the Great Commission by equipping our congregation for every good work as the result of their salvation by grace through faith alone. We heartily invite anyone who wishes to hear the truth to come and learn of Christ who came as God in the flesh to live sinless and then die for our transgressions. He then was raised from the dead three days later. Jesus is the firstfruits of our salvation and because He lives we also will be resurrected for eternity as sons of God.

It is our hope to live lovingly with other believers in Christ and, to the extent possible, be of one accord. When there is a disagreement that results in the compromise of loving God first, believing His promises, or obeying His Word we will stand our ground. We consider this to be of paramount importance in a world that continues to slip toward apostasy and the spirit of antichrist in these latter days. We encourage everyone at this late hour to re-examine what is really important in life and search for the truth. That truth can be found in the Bible.

“For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7.8 NKJV